Photography evokes memories of the past. Every photo is an experience and a story. I am astonish with the beauty and the meanings. The Creations of The Almighty. Photography is about moment, light and darkness..colors and tones, shapes and sizes, smoothness and texture, solid and shadows etc.
See from your Eyes
Feels from your Heart
This is The Story of My Photography.
Hazmi Cman Chassan tetap memukau penglihatan....
ReplyDeleteThomas Ray always the best ~hahaha~nice
ReplyDeleteHärris McHörrör Tidak mampu untuk mengomen.. terbaek
ReplyDeleteAzlifah Bahari Amazing image! Great capture, Bro ManSam!
ReplyDeleteNadzli Azlan terbaekkkkk Sifu !
ReplyDeleteBro ManSam, shoot kelam kabut? Yet so superb!!
ReplyDeleteKamal Karim Terbaik Bro. I was like hah, Senibong camni punya cantik? Terlopong kejap
ReplyDeleteMohd Ili Cantiknya.... Hebat la ilmu kawal pernafasan bro Mansam.. 6s..