the front cover photo of a graceful peacock with about the same angle with the shot I took at KL
Bird Park recently. To me reading is very important to learn and review from the pros enriching
Photography knowledge apart from the skill on handling the gears. I recommended this book
and I bet it will change yur perception in getting good photos.
Nikon D300s with Sigma 70-200mm f2.8 at 70mm. 1/400s at f4.0 ISO 200
Fadillah Juni amazing and superb!!!
ReplyDeleteSharulfizam Adam Seperti biasa terbaik
ReplyDeletechantekk teww..
ReplyDeleteShahrina Ahmad Sharkawi Subhanallahhh..indahnya burung ini, tapi kelemahan dia..dia tok leh terbang macam burung lain..sama macam manusia kann..ada lebih, ada kurangnya juga.
ReplyDeleteMohd Zairo Sany *hebat*hebat*hebat* ...ganti clap clap clap...:
ReplyDeleteAzman Samsuri
ReplyDeleteQuote...This photograph would not have been nearly as interesting if the photographer had positioned the peacock's head and body in the middle of the frame. The off-center composition of the subject and the three qua...rter view of the head is much more Dynamic...The colorfully fanned-out tail feathers create a wonderful abstract pattern in the background that fills the frame...Bla..Bla..Bla..I hope the tips is good for the birds shooting next weekend..something I would like to share..Happy reading Guys